Friday, May 26, 2006

Embrace the Stars

It's out now!

Forty year old Ida Barnes works at the local college for a professor of ancient literature, Martin Wyatt. However, Wyatt is not what he seems to be. He is an agent for Signet, a group of people who are the Peacemakers, those who keep the rules and regulation for the galaxy, rather like the marshals in the old west. He gathers information for them, everything from why a person received a paper cut to why the man in the next apartment has disappeared. An enemy of Signet is a man called Satyr. He attempts to use Ida as a weapon against Wyatt for Wyatt has gathered information on him and Satyr takes exception to that. Signet finds out from a mole inside Satyr's base of operations. They warn Wyatt. Martin Wyatt does his best to keep Ida safe, but she totally misunderstands. She runs from him in fear. He chases her. She runs again. Even when she has had a stroke and is in a wheelchair, she flees him... much to his dismay.

He loves her but can he ever make her believe that?


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